Tuesday, February 20, 2018

It's OK (by me)

It's that time again. A time to reflect on what we did a little less then perfect but, who cares!  Shake it off! It's ok! I'm going to play along with airingmylaundry today as I tell you what items/events/activities are OK by me.

Check out her latest post here.

It's OK that I caught brief bits of the Fergie performance but don't feel the need to see the show so I can add to the conversation.

It's OK that I am enjoying the winter Olympics so much because not everyone can pull off these winter sports like thesee guys.  I'm just in awe of all of the shows.    

It's OK that I failed another attempt to donate blood for the Red Cross but I received some tips and should be able to donate successfully next time.

It's OK that we went to see Peter Rabbit a couple of weeks ago and the kids and I still talk about it based on commercials we see.

  Cheers to a new week! Goodbye to last week!  I will be OK no matter what!   Looking back at the past few days or weeks what are you OK with?


  1. I love this post, and your outlook on life! We could all do with reminding ourselves daily that things are OK! :)

  2. After reading this, it help me to think we should be just relax and take things easy. Life should be like that, we should not be too harsh on ourselves, else we get sick easily.

  3. Aw, what a fun little roundup of things. I need to start giving blood again. It's a good thing for a great cause!

  4. There are times because of my anxiety that I worry about stuff that I have done years past. I am slowly getting better at letting the little stuff go.

  5. I love segments on the blog like this. I haven't seen Peter Rabbit yet but it sounds like people really love the movie. It's been such a long time since I donated blood.

  6. I am enjoying the winter Olympics too, I really like watching all the athletes. The Peter Rabbit movie looks really good too :)

  7. So simple yet so beautiful, you expressed it so nicely. We, as humans, have the tendency to make smaller things so big that we dont let those things go. I am okay with not having enough me-time, I am okay with staying late on some weekdays just to spend time with my kids.

  8. Look at that, an easy way to be positive and enjoy the day! I really didn't mind Fergie's performance, and I've been enjoying the Winter Olympics so far as well.

  9. I marvel at the talent and skill of all our Olympians - and I thank you for reminding me that being exactly where I am...is totally okay. Thanks for shining your Light. xo Blessings, Evelyn, Path of Presence

  10. I love this! Sometimes all we need is for someone to tell us that it’s OK. It’s OK that I fell asleep at 9 last night, because I was exhausted, leaving the dishes undone. That felt good. Thanks for giving me permission 😊

  11. Ah at least you tried to donate your blood, it scares me! You're right though, it is all okay!

  12. I'm ok with not being Superwoman and knowing my limitations. When I don't feel well I just try to minimize the factors that make me feel sick.
