Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Spin on s'mores by young chef

  Tonight to encourage one less set of feet in the kitchen I promised young chef she could make dessert.  She also needed to eat some dinner.  She did eat 4 gnocchi's so she was rewarded with dessert duty.

  This is our first dessert from scratch. I wonder if this is how you start.  We have been cooking all night but everything is always with a recipe or atleast a recipe is used a majority of the time.  I may add a little more or less of somethings but that doesn't count as an original recipe.  Which reminds me stay tune for our lunch tomorrow we ran across a recipe in a  magazine she will be making.

  So for our super easy recipe the ingredients consist of 3 items.

Graham Crackers
Chocolate bar

She crumbled the Graham Crackers into pieces not bits and put them on the bottom of each bowl.

  Covered them with 3 marshmallows.

Then broke up 2 chocolate bars and put them on each bowl.

I put them in the oven for about 5 minutes at 350 ° and then turned broil on and watched it carefully.

The 4 recipient's (all under the age of 15) enjoyed with compliments to the chef.

Why wait for a camping trip to enjoy this classic.  They are funny and yummy all year long.


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