Sunday, March 4, 2018

Week 9 Recap and New Goals

 Grab your drink of choice and start your to do list for the week!

Last weeks goals were not that difficult so why did I not succeed?

Because life happens and sometimes you just forget. You live in the moment and do something at hand. So let's try again.

1.  Freezer wasn't done last week so I'll roll it onto this week.  It's not really dirty as much as I want to get the ice build up removed.

2.  I didn't get any outside cardio time in.  I still hit the gym and exercised on some indoor cardio but I didn't get any fresh air.

3. I did finish book 5. Finally!  So on to number 6!

4.  I don't have a current dinner mealplan ready yet but, another breakfast mealplan is ready and will be posted tomorrow.

The crepes I made were a hit with the family!

  I am extra motivated after a few good things happening last week and carrying over into this week.  Good luck to everyone else on your upcoming week.


  1. Writing down what needs to be done makes them so much more achievable right? And crossing items off is such a great feeling :)

    1. I feel so much better when I see that I did actually do something.

  2. Yayy for crepes :) Hope you have a great week ahead
