The end of the year is here. I like to think it's not the end but only the beginning of new opportunities. The beginning of a new year to me is just a way to start the clock over. I appreciate that because I lose count all the time and if I actually did something from January 1st through December 31 that's 365 days!
Even if you don't set resolutions change is good and should be welcomed. Take the clean slate as your chance to do anything. We criticize ourselves for not having done something so change that. It's not always about fitness or quitting smoking. Take the opportunity to learn something, read something or go somewhere. You are I'm charge of the duration. Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly.
I do set resolutions for the year. Nothing was set with a daily objective last year but I have tried to add it this year. Easy things such as drinking a better limit of water compared to next to nothing should be easy. No limit of water set is attainable!
Weekly goals are easy. I have 7 days to play with and technically 1 day a week is even weekly. I would rather do more then 1 day a week. 3 days a week is attainable and if I did every other day I get a break in between!
Monthly gets a little harder to work with. You have 12 months to work with but, there's a lot of days you can continue to neglect and either rush on the last few days to accomplish or miss it all together. A monthly goal has to be a challenge but easy at the same time. Every 15th or the 3rd Wednesday of the month is attainable.
A year gives you 12 months to work with. Pick your month and set your plan in motion. Yearly goals need more planning especially if you choose December because you don't have any leeway at the end of the year. Your yearly doesn't have to be in December. You could be super efficient and get it out the way in January. 1 item for the year is attainable.
The great thing about a resolution is the choice is up to the individual. Don't go overboard. Pick something that is manageable because then it won't lead to excuses or neglect.
Good luck to you in the new year whether you choose to make a resolution or not. Remember it's not always about change. It can also be about learning or improving!
Happy New Year!